DukeScript and the NetBeans Platform
DukeScript is very easy to embed in NetBeans Applications. You can use it to create Plugins for NetBeans the IDE, or to write Applications on top of the NetBeans Platform. You can also enhance existing NetBeans Platform Applications with new functionality, for example a Map using our Leaflet API.
I’m currently developing a project to display issues from Bitbucket in NetBeans.
Creating a NetBeans plugin is as simple as ticking a checkbox in the DukeScript project wizard:
The wizard will then create a subproject for you.
The Plugin registers a Window in the NetBeans Window System, and a ToolBar action to launch the Window. You can change the location of the Window, the Actions and the associated Icon by modifying the Annotation. Here’s what the wizard has generated for my new Bitbucket Plugin:
public class NbMain {
private NbMain() {
category = "Tools",
id = "com.dukescript.plugins.bitbucket.OpenPage"
displayName = "Open Your Page",
iconBase = "com/dukescript/plugins/bitbucket/icon.png"
@ActionReference(path = "Menu/Window"),
@ActionReference(path = "Toolbars/Issues")
public static void onPageLoad() throws Exception {
You can check out the source code of the Bitbucket Plugin on Bitbucket.
If you would like to learn more about the benefits of embedding DukeScript in a Swing (or NetBeans Platform) Application, check out our free whitepaper on [“From Swing to DukeScript”]/update/2016/01/22/dukescript-for-swing.html.