Basic Authentication in DukeScript
I’m currently writing a little NetBeans Plugin with DukeScript. The Plugin allows you to show, filter and sort the issues of a Bitbucket project inside NetBeans. For this I need to make authenticated calls to the Bitbucket API. Here’s how I do that.
In DukeScript we’re using @OnReceive to connect to a REST endpoint. Here’s the example from the @OnReceive Javadoc:
@Model(className="MyModel", properties={
@Property(name = "people", type=Person.class, array=true)
class MyModelImpl {
@Model(className="Person", properties={
@Property(name = "firstName", type=String.class),
@Property(name = "lastName", type=String.class)
static class PersonImpl {
static String fullName(String firstName, String lastName) {
return firstName + " " + lastName;
@OnReceive(url = "{protocol}://{name}")
static void getANewPerson(MyModel m, Person p) {
System.out.println("Adding " + p.getFullName() + '!');
// the above will generate method getANewPerson in class MyModel.
// with protocol and name arguments
// which asynchronously contacts the server and in case of success calls
// your @OnReceive with parsed in data
static void requestSmith(MyModel m) {
m.getANewPerson("http", "Smith");
If the REST-Endpoint requires basic authentication, we’ll need to somehow get hold of a username and password. Let’s assume we get them from a form and store them in the viewmodel:
@Model(className="MyModel", properties={
@Property(name = "people", type=Person.class, array=true),
// adding two new Properties:
@Property(name = "username", type=String.class),
@Property(name = "password", type=String.class)
class MyModelImpl {
We’ll use the HTTP-Authorization-header to authenticate. For this, we need to encode username and password in a String. I’ve written a little function for that:
public class Authenticator {
@JavaScriptBody(args = {"username", "password"}, body = "return btoa(username+':'+password)")
public static native String getAuthenticationString(String username, String password);
Now we add the Authorization Header to the call by declaring it in the Annotation:
@OnReceive(url = "{protocol}://{name}",
// headers can be added declaratively
// For the dynamic part "{auth}" we'll get a new parameter in the generated method.
headers = {"Authorization: Basic {auth}"})
static void getANewPerson(MyModel m, Person p) {
System.out.println("Adding " + p.getFullName() + '!');
The generated method will now have an additional parameter, so the call changes to:
static void requestSmith(MyModel m) {
m.getANewPerson("http", "Smith", Authenticator.getAuthenticationString(m.username, m.password));
That’s how you add basic authentication to DukeScript.